This page is set up like a blog in a sense, meaning you will find the newest announcements at the top of the page and can scroll down to find older posts and information. It will be my goal to organize this page by school year and month. Check back often in order to sneak a peak at all of the extra special learning we get to do at Kila School!
~ 2021 - 2022 ~
You will find information for the 2021-2022 school year here.
A few important dates & announcements:
Back to School Night 2021-2022!
Thursday, September 2nd from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Back to School Night 2021-2022!
Thursday, September 2nd from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Labor Day - No School
Monday, September 6th, 2021
Monday, September 6th, 2021
1:00 Dismissal K-8th
Friday, September 17th, 2021
Friday, September 17th, 2021
~ 2020 - 2021 ~
Information regarding the 2020-2021 school year can be found below.
Please take note that due to guidelines and mandates from our governor as well as our local health department, Kila School administration, school board, and staff are working hard to make the necessary changes to our school day, schedule, and plan. Please check back often for updates and information.
WE ARE CLOSED 3/16/20 - 3/27/20
Kila School will continue in Distance Learning until further notice.
Students must arrive to school with complete snow gear - Snow pants, jacket and boots, gloves, hat. They must also have their sack lunch and backpack. Students will be responsible for carrying their own lunch, etc. in their backpack during this field trip. Optional items might include thermos of hot chocolate, hand / feet warmers, scarf, book for reading on the way there, extra snacks, extra water. If you have any questions about this trip - please feel free to DoJo me. Thanks!!
Hello, and welcome to February! Spring Parent / Teacher Conferences will be available on Thursday, February 27th and Thursday, March 5th. These conferences happen when the teacher requests a conference (notices were sent home with Q2 report cards on 2/3/20), or parents request a conference. I have set up a Sign Up Genius for parents to easily choose the slot that works best for them. If you receive a request from me, please click the button above and choose a time that works best for you. If you have not received a request from me, but would like to request a conference please sign up as well.
January 2020
Hello 4th Grade Families!
Our Ice FIshing Trip will be her before you know it!! This year we are scheduled for this trip on Tuesday, February 11th. We will plan to head out at 9:45 and return at approximately 2:15. Please be sure to send your child with a sack lunch on this day as we will be eating lunch on the ice :) Parents are welcome and encouraged to join us. You may choose to ride the bus with us or provide your own transportation. Students will need to ride the bus with their classmates. Please be on the look out for this permission slip to come home very soon! |
December 2019
Our K - 5 students have been working so hard getting ready for our annual Christmas Concert! Please join us in the gym on Friday, December 13th 2019 @ 6:30 for Christmas songs and fun! Please have students report to our classroom @ 6:15 while parents go find a seat. We will walk to the gym together as a class just before the concert begins. MERRY CHRISTMAS |
September 2019
May 2019
Hello All! We are celebrating homework super stars this week - week of May 27th. IF your child did an amazing job completing and returning their homework during the 3rd and 4th quarters they received a special invitation. IF they were invited to our celebration, please know that your child will not need to bring a lunch on Wednesday, May 29th. They should still bring a water bottle and a healthy snack :) |
Kila School's annual track meet will be held on Friday, May 31st, 2019. This is an all day community event in which students from several other schools come to compete and have fun! Please plan on any possible combination of weather - sunscreen, hats, sweatshirt or jacket, and of course athletic shoes are recommended. Please bring reusable water bottles as we will have filling stations set up. Students and families should bring either their lunch or plan on purchasing it from various food venders. Looking forward to a great day with all of you!
April 2019
March 2019
Spring Break 2019
Monday, March 25th -
Friday, March 29th
See you back at school on Monday, April 1st
February 2019
Reminder - There will be no school for students on
Monday, February 18th, 2019
This is a scheduled PIR (Pupil Instruction Related) Day for staff.
Staff will have a mandatory training day during this time.
Regular schedule will resume on Tuesday, February 19th.
Thank you!!
Monday, February 18th, 2019
This is a scheduled PIR (Pupil Instruction Related) Day for staff.
Staff will have a mandatory training day during this time.
Regular schedule will resume on Tuesday, February 19th.
Thank you!!
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences - Thursday, February 28th
Our Spring Parent / Teacher Conferences are right around the corner and are scheduled for Thursday, February 28th in 15 minute time slots beginning at 1:30 p.m. These conferences are on a request basis only, meaning either parent or teacher can request a conference. I have set up an account at Sign Up Genius to (hopefully) make this process smooth (fingers crossed). If I requested a conference with you, you can follow the link below or the link in the email sent to you to access the sign up page.
If I did not request a conference with you, but you would like to request a conference, please go to this link and sign up for a time slot that is convenient for you and your family.
Please click on "Spring Conference Sign Ups" to access a link that will take you directly to the sign up page.
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Thanks so much for all you do as parents of these fantastic kids!
Our Spring Parent / Teacher Conferences are right around the corner and are scheduled for Thursday, February 28th in 15 minute time slots beginning at 1:30 p.m. These conferences are on a request basis only, meaning either parent or teacher can request a conference. I have set up an account at Sign Up Genius to (hopefully) make this process smooth (fingers crossed). If I requested a conference with you, you can follow the link below or the link in the email sent to you to access the sign up page.
If I did not request a conference with you, but you would like to request a conference, please go to this link and sign up for a time slot that is convenient for you and your family.
Please click on "Spring Conference Sign Ups" to access a link that will take you directly to the sign up page.
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Thanks so much for all you do as parents of these fantastic kids!
January 2019
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences - Thursday, February 28th
Our Spring Parent / Teacher Conferences are right around the corner and are scheduled for Thursday, February 28th in 15 minute time slots beginning at 1:30 p.m. These conferences are on a request basis only, meaning either parent or teacher can request a conference. I have set up an account at Sign Up Genius to (hopefully) make this process smooth (fingers crossed). If I requested a conference with you, you can follow the link below or the link in the email sent to you to access the sign up page.
If I did not request a conference with you, but you would like to request a conference, please go to this link and sign up for a time slot that is convenient for you and your family.
Please click on "Spring Conference Sign Ups" to access a link that will take you directly to the sign up page.
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Thanks so much for all you do as parents of these fantastic kids!
If I did not request a conference with you, but you would like to request a conference, please go to this link and sign up for a time slot that is convenient for you and your family.
Please click on "Spring Conference Sign Ups" to access a link that will take you directly to the sign up page.
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Thanks so much for all you do as parents of these fantastic kids!
December 2018
November 2018
Kila School is putting a donation basket together for the Veteran's Home. Each grade level has been assigned something specific to add to the basket. 4th grade has been assigned to bring nail polish and polish remover. If you are willing and able to donate to this cause, please send donations in no later than Tuesday morning, November 13th.
October 2018
~ Thursday and Friday ~ October 18th & 19th 2018 ~ Fall Break ~
October 3rd 2018
Walk to School Day!!
Contrary to what you might think.... Students do NOT walk to school on this day. Please have your student arrive to school as they always do. When the bell rings, our day will begin as any other. Around 8:45, we will all head to the Kila path as a class and walk down the path and then back to school altogether. Upon arriving back to school, we will enjoy a treat of doughnuts and hot chocolate together. Parents are welcome to join us on our walk. It's a fun and special day that we all look forward to every year :) If you have questions please contact me!! DoJo is best.
Walk to School Day!!
Contrary to what you might think.... Students do NOT walk to school on this day. Please have your student arrive to school as they always do. When the bell rings, our day will begin as any other. Around 8:45, we will all head to the Kila path as a class and walk down the path and then back to school altogether. Upon arriving back to school, we will enjoy a treat of doughnuts and hot chocolate together. Parents are welcome to join us on our walk. It's a fun and special day that we all look forward to every year :) If you have questions please contact me!! DoJo is best.
September 2018
Thursday, September 13th 2018
It's our annual Kila School Back to School Night/Open Hours. This year we are adding a Garden Open House!! Come see how it's "growing" in our school garden. We are all so excited about our new garden. All community members are welcome in our garden from 5:45 - 6:30. Then join our school family for dinner at 6:30. grab your dinner in the gym and continue on to your child's classroom at 6:45. Classroom visits run from 6:45 to 7:30.
It's our annual Kila School Back to School Night/Open Hours. This year we are adding a Garden Open House!! Come see how it's "growing" in our school garden. We are all so excited about our new garden. All community members are welcome in our garden from 5:45 - 6:30. Then join our school family for dinner at 6:30. grab your dinner in the gym and continue on to your child's classroom at 6:45. Classroom visits run from 6:45 to 7:30.
August 2018
June 2018
May 2018
Week of 5-29-18:
~Memorial Day 5-28-18: No School
~Indian Education For All (IEFA) Day 5-30-18
~Spring Fishing Trip 5-31-18
~Kila School Annual Track Meet!! Friday, June 1st, 2018
~Memorial Day 5-28-18: No School
~Indian Education For All (IEFA) Day 5-30-18
~Spring Fishing Trip 5-31-18
~Kila School Annual Track Meet!! Friday, June 1st, 2018
- No school breakfast or lunch will be prepared
- Kila School PTO will be selling pizza and chips for $4.00 - this cost cannot be taken out of student lunch accounts, they must bring money to purchase this lunch.
- Students can either bring a sack lunch or purchase the pizza lunch.
- PLEASE be sure to send students with PLENTY of water for the day :)
Week of 5-21-18:
~Science Expo - May 23rd and 24th, Wednesday and Thursday
~Yearbook Orders DUE this week!!
~Science Expo - May 23rd and 24th, Wednesday and Thursday
~Yearbook Orders DUE this week!!
Week of 5-14-18:
~4th grade testing ENDS on Friday, May 18th.
~4th grade testing ENDS on Friday, May 18th.
Week of 5-7-18:
~State Testing begins this Tuesday and concludes next Friday, May 18th. Please help your child with this task by ensuring they get a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast and a healthy snack each day. THANK YOU!!
~State Testing begins this Tuesday and concludes next Friday, May 18th. Please help your child with this task by ensuring they get a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast and a healthy snack each day. THANK YOU!!
Week of 4-30-18:
~Kila Family Dinner and Auction Night - Is this Friday, May, 4th 2018
~Kila Family Dinner and Auction Night - Is this Friday, May, 4th 2018
April 2018
Week of 4-30-18:
~Kila Family Dinner Night - Get your pre-sale tickets before it's too late!
~Kila Family Dinner Night - Get your pre-sale tickets before it's too late!
March 2018
Week of 3-19-18:
I will be returning a little earlier than expected :) I will be back in the classroom on March 19th, the Monday before Spring Break, rather than the Monday after Spring Break. I am so excited to see all of my students and get back in the swing of things!
I will be returning a little earlier than expected :) I will be back in the classroom on March 19th, the Monday before Spring Break, rather than the Monday after Spring Break. I am so excited to see all of my students and get back in the swing of things!
February 2018
Week of 2-5-18:
Due to questionable ice conditions, our ice fishing trip, this Thursday, February 8th, has been MOVED to Smith Lake. Our class will still be traveling by bus, however, instead of ice fishing at Peterson Lake, we will be ice fishing at Smith Lake.
Due to questionable ice conditions, our ice fishing trip, this Thursday, February 8th, has been MOVED to Smith Lake. Our class will still be traveling by bus, however, instead of ice fishing at Peterson Lake, we will be ice fishing at Smith Lake.
January 2018
Week of 1-15-18:
Important Dates to Note:
~As the first semester draws to a close, this week will be full of benchmarking assessments in several different curricular areas. While results will go towards students' grades, their final grades come from a combination of things, such as classwork, several different types of assessments, growth over time, and effort, just to name a few. Be on the lookout for report cards, as they will be on their way home soon.
Important Dates to Note:
~As the first semester draws to a close, this week will be full of benchmarking assessments in several different curricular areas. While results will go towards students' grades, their final grades come from a combination of things, such as classwork, several different types of assessments, growth over time, and effort, just to name a few. Be on the lookout for report cards, as they will be on their way home soon.
Week of 1-8-18:
Important Dates to Note:
~1-8-18: Mrs. Mecham's first day back after a being out on doctor's orders for a month! I didn't want to announce this ahead of time just incase the baby decided to come Sunday night :) I will be in class everyday until the baby is born. That could be a few days or a few weeks, time will tell. I am so excited to be back with my students and enjoy some class time before official maternity leave begins. Thank you to all of my 4th grade families for being so understanding and supportive through all of the little surprises that can sometimes accompany a pregnancy.
~1-11-18: Hooked on Fishing lesson with our instructors Miss Jan and Mr. John
~1-12-18: 2nd Grade Math Buddies
Important Dates to Note:
~1-8-18: Mrs. Mecham's first day back after a being out on doctor's orders for a month! I didn't want to announce this ahead of time just incase the baby decided to come Sunday night :) I will be in class everyday until the baby is born. That could be a few days or a few weeks, time will tell. I am so excited to be back with my students and enjoy some class time before official maternity leave begins. Thank you to all of my 4th grade families for being so understanding and supportive through all of the little surprises that can sometimes accompany a pregnancy.
~1-11-18: Hooked on Fishing lesson with our instructors Miss Jan and Mr. John
~1-12-18: 2nd Grade Math Buddies
Week of 1-1-18:
Important Dates to Note:
~First Day Back - Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
Important Dates to Note:
~First Day Back - Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
December 2017
Week of 12-18-17:
Please Note: This week is a short week with an early, holiday dismissal.
All students, K-8th, will be dismissed at 1:00 on Thursday, December 21st, 2017.
Please Note: This week is a short week with an early, holiday dismissal.
All students, K-8th, will be dismissed at 1:00 on Thursday, December 21st, 2017.
Week of 12-11-17:
Important Dates to Note:
~Mid-Term: December 8th. You can expect to receive updated STAR 360 reports during the week of December 11th.
~Kila School Annual Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 14th 6:30-7:30. Please have all 4th graders meet me in the classroom at 6:15. We will enter the gym just before the concert begins as a class. This year's theme is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" A BIG Thank you to Mrs. Morgan for all she does for Kila School's Music Program!! WE LOVE YOU MRS. MORGAN!
Important Dates to Note:
~Mid-Term: December 8th. You can expect to receive updated STAR 360 reports during the week of December 11th.
~Kila School Annual Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 14th 6:30-7:30. Please have all 4th graders meet me in the classroom at 6:15. We will enter the gym just before the concert begins as a class. This year's theme is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" A BIG Thank you to Mrs. Morgan for all she does for Kila School's Music Program!! WE LOVE YOU MRS. MORGAN!
Week of 12-4-17:
Important Dates to Note:
~Mid-Term: December 8th. You can expect to receive updated STAR 360 reports during the week of December 11th.
~Kila School Annual Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 14th 6:30-7:30. Please have all 4th graders meet me in the classroom at 6:15. We will enter the gym just before the concert begins.
~Last Day of School before our Christmas Holiday is Thursday, December 21st. PLEASE NOTE this is a 1:00 dismissal day for all grades, K-8.
Important Dates to Note:
~Mid-Term: December 8th. You can expect to receive updated STAR 360 reports during the week of December 11th.
~Kila School Annual Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 14th 6:30-7:30. Please have all 4th graders meet me in the classroom at 6:15. We will enter the gym just before the concert begins.
~Last Day of School before our Christmas Holiday is Thursday, December 21st. PLEASE NOTE this is a 1:00 dismissal day for all grades, K-8.
November 2017
Week of 11-20-17:
NO HOMEWORK this week!! Instead spend time with family and friends. I have asked students to read for 30 minutes or so each night, but no reflection is required. This means ... on your honor. No school on Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and I'll see you all back, bright and early, on Monday, November 27th. |
Week of 10-30-17:
Happy November to you all!
Happy November to you all!
October 2017
Red Ribbon Week was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who participated in our special days of dressing up and crazy hair. It was great to see so many 4th grade students get into the spirit of things and show their school pride and dedication to a substance free future.
Week of 10-23-17:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day Wednesday - $1.00 to Wear a Hat Day Thursday - Color Wars, 4th Grade Wears BLUE Friday - Flathead (or Glacier) Friday. Wear your colors to support our local schools. Come one come all to our annual Fall Festival! October 26th, Thursday evening, 6 - 8 p.m. Hurry and get your pre-sale tickets for a deal :) |
Week of 10-16-17:
No School for students on Thursday and Friday of this week. October 19th and 20th are considered PIR Days (Pupil Instruction Related) and are set aside for professional development opportunities.
No School for students on Thursday and Friday of this week. October 19th and 20th are considered PIR Days (Pupil Instruction Related) and are set aside for professional development opportunities.
Week of 10-2-17:
Walk to School Day! Wednesday October 4th, 2017 - Please join us as we walk the Kila Path as a class and as a school. When we get back to school we will all enjoy hot chocolate and a treat in the gym :) **Please note, students arrive to school as the normally do. We celebrate this special day by walking "back" to school together. Families are welcome!
Walk to School Day! Wednesday October 4th, 2017 - Please join us as we walk the Kila Path as a class and as a school. When we get back to school we will all enjoy hot chocolate and a treat in the gym :) **Please note, students arrive to school as the normally do. We celebrate this special day by walking "back" to school together. Families are welcome!
September 2017
Week of 9-11-17:
Book Order Flyers went home this week. Students have been busy making note of their favorites on their wish list. Please take a few minutes to review these selections with your child. If you are able, purchase a few for your home. Books are powerful and a wonderful thing to share together with your child. Scholastic does an excellent job in providing students and their families with a wide variety and fantastic prices! I will send home book order "packs" several times a year. Please feel free, but never obligated, to order when you are able. Each and every purchase earns our classroom points to collect books for our own classroom library. Thank you so much for your support!
Book orders will be due no later than Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017.
Book orders will be due no later than Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017.
Monday, September 18th, 2017:
This Friday, September 22nd will remain a regular early out Friday.
K-3rd Bell at 2:00 / 4th-8th bell at 2:20.
K-3rd Bell at 2:00 / 4th-8th bell at 2:20.
Monday, September 18th, 2017
Message to Students and The Public from Kila School Staff.
We are aware of the threats that have been made to students and schools in the Flathead Valley. Our school, staff, and students were not included in these threats. The best law enforcement agencies in the country are working around the clock to resolve this and make sure we are all safe. As a public school, we have taken precautionary measures, and will continue taking steps to ensure our students and staff are as safe as possible. Our number one priority is student and staff safety and all adults here are committed to working together and ensuring the safety of us all.
Message to Students and The Public from Kila School Staff.
We are aware of the threats that have been made to students and schools in the Flathead Valley. Our school, staff, and students were not included in these threats. The best law enforcement agencies in the country are working around the clock to resolve this and make sure we are all safe. As a public school, we have taken precautionary measures, and will continue taking steps to ensure our students and staff are as safe as possible. Our number one priority is student and staff safety and all adults here are committed to working together and ensuring the safety of us all.
MONDAY DAY 9-18-17: Staff only will return today. This day will be used as a planning day in order to plan for the return of students tomorrow, Tuesday 9-19-17.
As of right now, school is scheduled to resume on Tuesday, September 19th.
As of right now, school is scheduled to resume on Tuesday, September 19th.
September 4th 2017:
Your child needs to have a plastic recorder for music class. These can be purchased at the following locations, Music One Workshop-Downtown Kalispell on Main Street, or Woodwinds & Brass-Evergreen.
Your child needs to have a plastic recorder for music class. These can be purchased at the following locations, Music One Workshop-Downtown Kalispell on Main Street, or Woodwinds & Brass-Evergreen.
September 4th 2017:
Hello 4th Grade Families! Be on the look out for Scholastic Book Orders to come home soon. I am a huge supporter of Scholastic and will send home a bundle of book order flyers several times a year. Their prices and selection are fantastic! You can order online with our class code, or the traditional way of sending in the order with your child, and I will take care of the rest :) For every item that is ordered, our class earns points which allows us to continue adding books of interest to our classroom library. Thank you for supporting our classroom with your orders.
Hello 4th Grade Families! Be on the look out for Scholastic Book Orders to come home soon. I am a huge supporter of Scholastic and will send home a bundle of book order flyers several times a year. Their prices and selection are fantastic! You can order online with our class code, or the traditional way of sending in the order with your child, and I will take care of the rest :) For every item that is ordered, our class earns points which allows us to continue adding books of interest to our classroom library. Thank you for supporting our classroom with your orders.
August 2017
I am so very excited to get started with my brand-new
fourth graders!!
fourth graders!!
Hello to the 2017 - 2018 Kila Fourth Graders and their Families!
The first day of the 2017 - 2018 school year is
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
See you then!
2016-2017 was a year full of fun and learning for all of us! It was my very first year at Kila School, but it became home very quickly. I am looking forward to many more years teaching Kila students and having the opportunity
to appreciate this beautiful area.
This is a new for 2017-2018 website, because of that, you won't see a ton of memories and information for 2016-2017 posted here. However, this page is sure to grow during the upcoming school year.
to appreciate this beautiful area.
This is a new for 2017-2018 website, because of that, you won't see a ton of memories and information for 2016-2017 posted here. However, this page is sure to grow during the upcoming school year.
Thanks to my first class of fourth graders at Kila School! The fourth grade class of 2016-2017 made my first year here super special and extremely rewarding. You each will forever hold a special spot in my heart!